Archive for May, 2011

The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was celebrated around the world on the 29th April 2011.

Following is a video playback of local tweets that happened on that eventful day, between the hours of 8am and 8pm.
Tip: Watch it in HD on vimeo.

The video is based on an app I hacked together with some help from Tom Martin. Tom and I work for the BBC Social team and we figured it would be fun to do something for the Royal Wedding. Tom came up with the idea of following the Royal Wedding using local tweets and displaying them on a map. Using Twitter’s API, we wrote some code to collect tweets that were happening near the Royal Wedding. Over the course of the day, we collected 4000+ local tweets. Since then I’ve created a web application that visually plays back those local tweets whilst highlighting some cool stats.

Follow me on Twitter: @​ccharlesworth